Spring Cleaning Your Life

Hi friends, 

There's nothing like sitting down for that first cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and watching the spring sun streaming through the windows. Sometimes, though, that's when we notice all of the dust floating around in the air or that the windows could use a good scrubbing. 

Metaphors aside, spring is the perfect season for an overhaul, both inside and out. Removing the things that aren't serving you and replacing them with alternatives that support your well-being can make all the difference.

Four Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Life

1. Audit Your Relationships

Make a list of the people you interact with the most. Are these the relationships that make you feel good? How can these relationships be improved? As we grow and change, our friendships do too.

2. Revisit Your Goals

Reflect on this year. How are things going? What can you do better moving forward? What do you need to let go of? Notice your emotions and record the ones that aren’t serving you.

3. Declutter

Tidy home, tidy mind! Honoring your space means cutting the clutter and ditching everything weighing you down, both physically and mentally. 

4. Surround Yourself with Beauty

Throw open the windows! Get outside! Buy yourself flowers! Do more of what brings you joy, whatever that means to you. 

How are you refreshing your routine this season? Hit reply to respond and I'll see you back here next Sunday. 


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