You think between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day...
Hi friends,
I've mentioned before how important a daily meditation practice can be, but of course, we're not always the best at taking our own advice. I'm currently in the middle of a 21-day meditation adventure, and I can't say enough about how it's helping to pull me back into balance and keeping me motivated to take time each day to sit in stillness.
Many people have trouble quieting their minds during meditation, especially when first practicing. This is perfectly normal! One quote that has been particularly helpful to me during my current 21-day program reminds me that while our thoughts are unavoidable, we can use meditation to actively quiet our minds and discover the space between our inner running monologues:
"Remember, we have between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day - that's a thought about every 1 to 1.5 seconds. They're coming and you can't stop them. They are not interruptions in your meditation; they are part of your meditation so let them come and let them go. You are not your thoughts. You are the space between each thought."
- Davidji, Stress-Management Expert & Meditation Teacher
This week, I encourage you to take time to look within and meet yourself in stillness. How does that feel? What essential truths can you discover?
Hit reply to respond and I’ll see you back here next week.