Coaching the Coach

As many of you know, I’ve been recovering from knee surgery for the past few months. It has been a long road with lots of setbacks and learning opportunities along the way. As an integral coach, my practice focuses on the whole person: head, heart, and body. Lately, I've had to remind myself that while my heart and head are ready to get going, I also need to listen to my body and respect the healing process. 

Who knew that coaches are the ones who need coaching sometimes?

When my time with a client is coming to a close, I lead them in an exercise on finding their true essence. Way before I was a coach, my mentor did this with me and it was so impactful. I keep this list in my office and have referred to it again and again when I start slipping into negativity. Most importantly, it helps me remember who I am and what I stand for. This week, I encourage you to begin considering your own true essence. 

What adjectives come to mind when describing yourself, your passions, and your values? Try making a list of these essential qualities. Narrow down that list to five core elements that make you uniquely you. How are you honoring your true essence in your daily life? 

The more we open ourselves to the vulnerability of living in authenticity, the more we honor our essential selves. I'd love to hear what qualities are on your list.


Because self-care is more than wine and Netflix


You think between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day...