What's strengthening your capacity for joy?
As I took off on Wednesday to celebrate my 13th wedding anniversary with my husband on a trip down the Oregon coastline on Highway 101, it sparked feelings of anticipation and JOY! For me, the ocean is my happy place and brings me a sense of stillness & calmness.
I have a quote in my office from Sharon Salzberg that reads"for the sake of our own resilience, we need to strengthen our capacity for joy." It's a great reminder amidst all the difficult & chaotic times we are in right now. There are things out of our control, and that's hard to deal with at times. I have to find the things that give me joy to keep me balanced.
There are so many bits of advice and wisdom out there such as, savoring the small things, knowing what makes you happy, practicing gratitude, letting go of the past, surrounding yourself with positive people, and even using the law of attraction. What creates the capacity for joy in you?
I would love to hear from you.