Self-awareness is self-care.
Hi friends,
Self-care looks different for everyone. Why? Because we are all unique individuals with different needs, goals, and personalities. One of the big takeaways I've realized in my time as a coach is how powerful the Enneagram can be when it comes to self-care. Put simply: self-awareness is essential self-care.
I decided to become certified as an accredited Enneagram practitioner a year after I was certified as an Integral Coach. It’s such an effective tool for getting to know yourself on a deep level and discovering the true essence of who you are. I use this tool with all of my clients as a jumping-off point on their coaching journeys as they reconnect with their core motivations.
Are you curious to learn more about your Enneagram type and how it plays an important role in how you show up in the world? Reach out! Let’s start the conversation.