Healing Through The Art of Tattoo

Today, I wanted to introduce you to another amazing business that I believe in so much: Omnis Ink!

Shonna Roberts is not just my awesome sister-in-law she's a lovely human who's been through a lot in her life and has chosen to be tenacious, resilient, and always goes for what she wants! She has a huge heart which led her to start this work. She, like many of us during the pandemic, found herself asking the question, "What am I doing with my life? Is this all there is?" In a local newspaper interview, Shonna shared, “I had some time to reflect on, ‘what am I doing? What is this job that I’m doing? What mark am I leaving? Am I making a difference?’" She saw a need for advanced paramedical tattooing services in the Vancouver and Portland area.

That's when she started learning from the top paramedical tattooing artists in the industry, including specialists from Oregon, England, Brazil, and Canada, who attract clients from around the world. Through their mentorship, Shonna learned how to provide various paramedical tattoo services, from areola tattoos to stretch mark camouflage.

Shonna is deeply passionate about paramedical tattooing, having seen how this advanced tattooing method can help people move past the trauma that accidents, injuries, and illness can leave behind. After opening Omnis Ink, Vancouver's first advanced paramedical tattooing studio, Shonna was given the opportunity every artist dreams of, a position with her mentor, at DAELA Cosmetic Tattoo Studio.

Locally owned and operated, DAELA Cosmetic Tattoo is a luxury, full-service studio, offering all cosmetic and paramedical tattoo services. You can find Shonna at their beautiful downtown Vancouver location.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Shonna was featured on the front page of The Columbian, highlighting their partnership with NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, offering self-harm camouflage tattoos. Shonna believes there should be no barriers to healing, and offers a sliding scale fee for self-harm camouflage tattoos in alliance with NAMI.

You can follow her amazing and life-changing work on Instagram and find out much more about her work here. Thanks, sis for all the humans you are supporting and caring deeply for! I love ya!


On Family, Grief, and Catharsis


Celebrating & Honoring All Moms