Self-Care is not self-indulgence!
Hi friends,
I’m the Burnout Coach because I went through my own brutal burnout and decided to become the hero of my own story. I left corporate America to transform into a burnout coach!
It’s critical for me to recognize all the signs of burnout, such as disengagement, blunted emotions, loss of motivation, and feelings of hopelessness. Not only for my clients but most importantly for me. I have realized I can’t be present and supportive of others if I’m not in my grounded, calm and best headspace.
The best way to prevent burnout is to have a clear awareness of how YOU are feeling and what YOU need. The next step is setting boundaries with yourself and others to allow for important self-care. And always remember, self-care is not self-indulgence. Every time we enter an airplane, we hear, “In case of an emergency, put on your own mask first before assisting others.” It’s pretty simple – Self first, always!