Keep Your Heart Open

Hi friends,

I'm proud to be a certified Integral Coach, and New Ventures West's resources are vital to my practice. This week, I'm sharing a powerful tool I recently received. I hope it helps guide you through the next week and beyond!

Your Daily Open Heart Check-In

Want to enrich the quality of your life and that of everyone you meet? Keep your heart open.

Living open to experiences, friends, colleagues, partners, lovers, and all those with whom we interact will disclose a world of wonder, richness, and endless vitality. Nothing can replace the connection and beauty of an open heart. 

Three to five times a day, fully stop what you’re doing and respond through writing or dictation to the following questions:

  • Did I keep my heart open? To everyone? To everything that I was experiencing? What was my life like from this place?

  • If I closed my heart, what were the surrounding inner and outer events?

  • If I closed my heart, what did that reveal to me about my current narrative, the healing that’s necessary, or the present state of my self-care?

  • What will I do to keep my heart open?

Join me in this transformative practice and watch as it enhances the quality of your life and the lives of those around you. Let's cultivate more open hearts together! 

Need more support? Book a free no-obligation call with me!


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